Gijs Rikken speaking at Bauwelt Kongress 2017, 7 December 2017


Do the sky-storming sixties return? After five decades of modesty, it’s time to live high above the city again. The reason for the trend towards more altitude is simple: The demand for new apartments and housing projects continues; the land is scarce and expensive. Post-densification with a minimal footprint is the order of the day.

However, one thing is obvious: The "high-rise residential building for everybody" only has a future if it can be built in a cost-saving and modular way, with mixed municipal and social offers – and if it provides new, outstanding quality for the district and surrounding neighborhood. The responsibility for the architects is much higher: Only if we learn from the mistakes of the past, the dramatic mistakes of the sixties can be avoided.

On December 7th and 8th, 2017, Bauwelt Kongress 2017 brings together the best high-rise architects from Germany and abroad, responsible city planners, the managing directors of innovative housing associations and investors in Berlin. The debate is about what the high-rise of the coming years should look like, so that it can be a success for the residents, for the planners and for the cities.

Date: 7th of December 2017
Time: 17:30h (start of lecture)
Location: Kosmos Berlin, Karl-Marx-Allee 131A, 10243 Berlin

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