Winy Maas speaks at Moscow Urban Forum


MVRDV co-founder Winy Maas will speak at Moscow Urban Forum on the 17th of July. Winy advocates denser, greener, more attractive and liveable cities, with an approach to design that regardless of typology or scale, reflects a user-defined, innovative and sustainable consideration for the built environment. Winy will present his ideas in a several panel discussions that he will take part in.

Moscow Urban Forum 2018 "Megacity of the Future: New Space for Living" will focus on a discussion of the results of large-scale urban transformations over the last decades, the solutions and selection of tools for building the future of the largest global cities, and the adaptation of spatial solutions and infrastructure to meet changing economic, environmental, technological, social and cultural demands. 

Date: 17 July 2018
LocationZaryadye Park, Varvarka street, estate 6, Moscow