Nathalie de Vries: Architecture Speaks – The Language of MVRDV


Nathalie de Vries, Prof. TU Delft, principal architect and founding partner of MVRDV, will talk Wednesday, 25 September 2019, in Innsbruck about the importance of language in the design process. Along a "journey through time" from the beginnings of the office to the near future, she will present key projects with which they expanded their vocabulary and brought completely new content into existing typologies.
The lecture is related to the exhibition "Architecture Speaks - The Language of MVRDV", currently on show at aut in Innsbruck. MVRDV's diverse work combines a methodology rather than a style or aesthetic. Over time, the office has developed a vocabulary that describes the various processes, experiments and methods that drive its architectural production.
The exhibition has been made possible in part by a contribution from the Creative Industries Fund NL.

Date: 25 September 2019, 7PM
Location: Stadtbibliothek Innsbruck, Amraser Straße 2, 6020 Innsbruck (Austria)
Find out more.

Image: Günter Richard Wett