MVRDV - ImPossible Germany: Christine Sohar Instagram Live Talk with Anna Scheuermann

ImPossible Germany: Christine Sohar Instagram Live Talk with Anna Scheuermann


On Tuesday July 7th, as part of the celebration of the latest issue of "Baumeister Curated", MVRDV project leader Christine Sohar will talk with one of the authors included in the issue, Anna Scheuermann, on Instagram Live about the role of rules and regulations in German architecture culture.

The editorial concept for this special issue of Baumeister, developed by MVRDV founding partner Winy Maas, turns a mirror on Germany, using the German magazine as a platform to deliver an “outsider’s perspective” on the idiosyncrasies of German architecture. Christine Sohar contributed to the magazine in a discussion with Oliver Thill of Atelier Kempe Thill, exploring the many ways in which German architecture is usually constrained by rules and regulations. Scheuermann's article, "From refugee housing to paid residential construction" is positioned to complement this discussion on rules by revealing the architectural response to Germany's role in the refugee crisis beginning in 2015, exploring the uncharacteristically flexible and creative way that German architects adapted to difficult circumstances.

The talk starts at 7pm and can be watched live by following MVRDV or Baumeister on Instagram.