Jan Knikker lecturing at the faculty of architecture from Technion, Haifa, Israel


MVRDV partner Jan Knikker will virtually join the Final Year presentations from students at the faculty of architecture from Technion in Haifa, Israel followed by a lecture. In this lecture titled: ‘Transformations in architecture, urban planning and landscapes” Jan will give an insight on mvrdv’ s DNA with special attention for mvrdv projects Markthal and Depot.

The Technion is an Israeli technical university founded in Haifa in 1912. Its founders were various German scientists, including Paul Nathan and Albert Einstein. The university is generally considered to be the most prominent technical university in the country. Much of Israel's technological innovation is based on research conducted at the Technion, and many technical managers have graduated from the institute. As Israel Institute of Technology, it is called the MIT of Israel.

Date: 03 August 2020, 13:00-14.00 (CET)

Location: Online event on Zoom Platform | Join via