MVRDV associate Gijs Rikken will give a lecture at the Welsh School of Architecture on February 19. Several topics will be discussed during the lecture, such as history in context, green high-rises and sustainability in practice. Gijs Rikken joined MVRDV in 2007. He is responsible for the design and execution of a wide variety of projects, ranging from large-scale, complex buildings to detailed innovative material research.
“At MVRDV, we continuously push the envelope. As architects, we have an obligation to try to change the world into something better. Something greener, more social, more mixed, more accessible, more wonderful.” Gijs Rikken
The lecture is organized by the Student Association of the Welsh School of Architecture (SAWSA). SAWSA is a course-based society at Cardiff University run by students which hosts an open lecture series fortnightly every academic year. These lectures grant members of the school as well as local professionals an opportunity to hear successful architects, academics, designers and other professionals speak about their areas of expertise.
- Date & time: February 19 - 17:00-18:00 (CET)
- Join freely via Zoom! Link here (meeting ID: 819 4418 1971 - password: 011025)
The lecture can now be watched below!