Winy Maas to discuss green and climate neutral cities at Pakhuis de Zwijger


How can we find balance between city and nature? CO2 emissions must be radically reduced while the demand for the construction of housing and other buildings is at an all-time high. This requires climate-adaptive interventions.

Would you like to learn more about possible solutions for this challenge? Then join the panel discussion ‘The Green and Climate Neutral City’ at Pakhuis de Zwijger on September 1. Winy Maas will join this discussion together with Sacha Stolp (Municipality of Amsterdam) and Reinder Bakker (Overtreders W).

"Think: skyscrapers completely covered in plant life, a site that transforms the skyline into a living urban canopy." – Winy Maas

The panel discussion is part of the 15-year anniversary of Pakhuis de Zwijger, a platform with daily programs about the city and countryside of tomorrow and the creative industry, situated in Amsterdam.

  • Date & time: September 01 – 20:00 (CET).
  • You can freely register for the event here.
  • The event will be in Dutch only.