Enno Zuidema to discuss innovative solutions for urban water management


Sea level rise is a global challenge. Typical responses to these challenges have been to resist the water with higher flood barriers and dikes. However, such approaches often worsen flooding in cities, limiting the natural ability of the foreshore to absorb wave energy, storm surge and run-off. What if cities learned to work with water, rather than against it? 

Join studio director Enno Zuidema for a lecture at the Royal Dutch Water Network (KNW) on November 25 as he shares our ideas on how to tackle flooding and other water related issues in an urban context. He will use examples from the recently launched Sea Level Rise Catalogue but also MVRDV's urban projects, such as Bastide Niel and Gagarin Valley. 

Director, and Urban Planner, Enno Zuidema leads MVRDV’s Urban Studio. Specialized in the design and planning of infrastructure, urban transformation, and densification, Zuidema is a champion of participatory design and planning, applying this to the great benefit of the projects that MVRDV’s Urban Studio produces. Before joining MVRDV, Zuidema worked for the senate of Berlin, the municipality of Rotterdam, and the Dutch office MAXWAN. In 1998 Zuidema founded his own practice, Enno Zuidema Stedebouw, and in 1998 and 2008, achieved acclaim with the Dutch Eo Wijers competition. He completed his Master of Science in Urban Design at the Technical University Delft, the Netherlands.

Royal Dutch Water Network (KNW) is an independent knowledge organisation in the water sector. KNW organizes symposia, webinars and workshops, excursions and other events, where current topics are discussed and people can meet each other.

  • Date & time: November 25 - 09:45-10:15 (CET).
  • Location: Blue City, Maasboulevard 100, Rotterdam. 
  • Find more information on the event here