Fokke Moerel to speak on the abilities of architecture for urban management at Erasmus University


“I am strongly attached to the office’s mission to not exclude anyone or anything. To create human-scale spaces where people feel welcome, comfortable, and challenged to interact and gather. This brings a wide diversity of challenges which can lead to unconventional and innovative possibilities – always inspiring and fun.”

On March 17th, Fokke will give a lecture at the IHS, the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studios of Rotterdam, part of Erasmus University. This lecture, part of their public lecture series ''Urban Visions'', will be on the capacity and qualities of architecture to answer urbanism challenges. Using MVRDV's portfolio, Fokke will show how good architecture projects are at the intersection of urban culture, the built environment, sustainability and desired social outcomes. Examples such as Project Gomila, Tainan Spring or One Green Mile will be highlighted. 

Partner and Architect Fokke Moerel was one of the first architects to join MVRDV in 1998. Her projects include public and cultural buildings, as well as transformations of monumental buildings that endeavour to revive their immediate urban context. To this end, she oversees teams working on projects ranging from interior design to public buildings. Through, she generates a strong relationship between interior and exterior public programme.

  • Date & Time :  March 17, 13.30-15.00
  • Location : Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Classroom 1&2, Floor 14, Mandeville Building, Thomas Morelaan, 3062 PA Rotterdam.
  • More information here
  • Book ticket here