MVRDV - Associate Lorenzo Mattozzi to speak at Pordenone Docs Fest 2024

Associate Lorenzo Mattozzi to speak at Pordenone Docs Fest 2024


On April 11th at 17:30, Lorenzo Mattozzi will present a lecture titled "Urban Oases: Regenerating the Ecology of Cities" at Pordenone Docs Fest in Italy. The festival, organised by Cinemazero, a cultural association dedicated to promoting cinematic art, provides a platform for discussing significant societal issues through documentary filmmaking.

How do seemingly mundane urban structures like an overpass in Seoul, the ruins of a shopping mall in Tainan, or the anonymous rooftops of Rotterdam become emblematic of sustainable urban renewal? The lecture will delve into the transformation of unconscious remnants of city modernisation into conscious icons of urban regeneration. Through an exploration of three MVRDV projects - Seoullo 7017 Skygarden, Tainan Spring, and Rooftop Walk - Lorenzo will elucidate MVRDV's approach to regeneration projects. These projects transform anonymous structures into vibrant, green, public spaces, and serve as ecological catalysts for future sustainable urban refurbishments.

Pordenone Docs Fest is a four-day event (April 10th to 14th) attracting prestigious guests from the worlds of cinema, art, design, and politics. This year, the festival has adopted a green manifesto, striving for greater sustainability in its operations. As part of this initiative, a round table discussion titled "Un Festival Green per una Città Green" will be held, wherein Lorenzo will contribute insights on sustainable city design. The lecture, sponsored by the Chamber of Architects (Ordine degli Architetti) of Pordenone, will be hosted at Palazzo Badini, Sala Convegni “Pietro Ellero”. Admission to the event is open and free, subject to availability.

Lorenzo, an Associate and Architect at MVRDV, leads projects in the DAS Studio, focusing on mixed-use developments, urban integration, and social connectivity. He joined MVRDV in late 2017, initially working in the Asia Studio for four years, where he successfully completed four projects primarily in China. With prior experience in various architectural firms across Italy, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Brazil, Lorenzo brings a wealth of expertise in architectural and infrastructural design, project development, and sustainability to his leadership role.

Date & Time: April 11, 17.30 (CET)

Location: Palazzo Badini, Sala Convegni “Pietro Ellero” - Via G. Mazzini 2, 33170 Pordenone, Italy

More information on the event can be found in Italian here and here.