MVRDV - Jacob van Rijs to discuss the creation of Innovation Park Artificial Intelligence

Jacob van Rijs to discuss the creation of Innovation Park Artificial Intelligence


When working on Innovation Park Artificial Intelligence (IPAI), how did the client's wishes for the field of AI impact on and influence the design? And how has this shaped the use of AI in the practice? 

On 14 June, founding partner and principal architect Jacob van Rijs will speak at the Cradle to Cradle Cafe event at MIndlabs. Examining the mix of corporate campus, laboratories, an innovation centre for start-up labs, housing, a restaurant, and a kindergarten among the development's many facilities, Jacob will answer these questions as well as explaining what MVRDV's experiences of AI have been to date, and how it has been incorporated into the practice's work. 

The ‘VR’ of MVRDV,, Jacob van Rijs is renowned for his dedication to bold concepts combining daring ideas with a humane and user-friendly approach. Van Rijs has developed this approach over the past 30 years in practice, leading to a wide range of the office’s most notable projects, from cultural and civic buildings to transformations, and from residential buildings and social housing to interiors. As a testament to his strong leadership skills, Van Rijs led a rapidly growing MVRDV office through the financial crisis, and successfully led the firm into a new era as Managing Director from 2016 to 2018. 

  • Date & time: 14 June, 10:45 (CEST).
  • Location: Mindlabs, Locomotive Boulevard 101, 5041 SE Tilburg
  • More information on the conference can be found here