Cosimo Scotucci goes "Back to the Future" at Cityscape 24 - Upcycle Ancona


How do we use housing as an opportunity to reactivate previously marginal parts of cities?

On 5 July at Cityscape 24 - Upcycle Ancona, Senior Project Leader Cosimo Scotucci will discuss this question in relation to a number of MVRDV's projects in Bordeaux, including the Bastide Niel masterplan and its development La Vallée Verte, as well as Ilot Queyries, itself a testbed for Bastide Niel. Cosimo's lecture will present the audience with a fresh perspective on how formerly peripheral spaces can be used, and how they provide the potential for a new urban vision. 

Cityscape 24 - Upcycle Ancona is the result of multiple stakeholders, including UNIVPM, Hub for Heritage and Habitat,  cento55, DICEA, the Municipality of Ancona, and ERAP, which incorporates research on the regeneration of the first historical city outskirts.

  • Date & Time: 5 July 2024, 16:00 (CEST).
  • Location: La chiesa del Gesù, Piazza Benvenuto Stracca, 1, 60121 Ancona.
  • Further details for the event, including how to register, can be found here.