MVRDV'S Bertrand Schippan to give a lecture on 'how to make cities more intense' in Warsaw on April 27th


On April 27th, MVRDV's project leader Bertrand Schippan will give a lecture in Warsaw on 'How to make cities more intense' at Warsaw University of Technology's Faculty of Architecture. Going beyond MVRDV's early polemics on density such as KM3 and Farmax, the office now pursues intensity of activity, intensity of use, and intensity of experience, rather than merely tall buildings or ever higher density. The lessons of new build high rise developments have taught our discipline that sometimes, people who live up high simply arn't interested in walking, cycling, or indeed the intensity of the experience at ground level around the base of their towers whatsoever.

Location : Wydział Architektury Politechniki Warszawskiej
00-659 Warszawa, ul. Koszykowa 55
Time : tba