Jacob van Rijs to lecture in Fribourg on April 13th on the impact of new networks on the role of the architect


We are currently witnessing the emergence of new and very different models of sharing and exchanges being favored - or even only recently made possible - through new technologies and services. Things that have so far not been efficiently tradable goods are becoming so and production of information for a wide public got feasible to everyone. The architectural project has always been about imagining and communicating a possible future that sets the spatial frame to be shared by different people. The architect traditionally reclaims a position of creator and ultimate controller of the whole planning process. What happens to architecture and urban planning under the influence of new concepts of sharing information, intentions of use and even the final organization of how to share spaces? What requirements does a planning process which is open to a wide set of contributions, comments and and towards architecture as a discipline and a specific project? The seminar week "SHARING" is designed to give students an insight to the current state of dealing with the questions mentioned above by practicing architects, curators and teachers.

Location: Auditoire Gremaud, Université de Fribourg, Boulevard de Pérolles, 1700 Fribourg, Suisse

Time: 20:00h