Bertrand Schippan, Caen Presqu’île: When the landscape makes the city, 13th October 2016


Bertrand Schippan will be part a conference discussing the development of Caen peninsula. Situated between the Orne and the canal to the sea, the peninsula stretches for 6 km and includes three towns, Caen, Mondeville, Hérouville-Saint-Clair, each with its own development logic.

The conference includes:

Sonia de la Provôté the first Deputy Mayor of Caen in charge of urban planning, housing and urban renewal

Hélène Mialon-Burgat, Mayor Mondeville

Rodolphe Thomas, Mayor of Hérouville-Saint-Clair

Jolivald Rémy, Director of urban planning for the city of Caen

Tiercelet Thibaud, Director urban projects, Caen Presqu’île

Registration for the event is free and can be booked here

Time: 19:00

Date: 13th October 2016

Location: City of Architecture & Heritage, Palais de Chaillot - Hall butt

Access 7, Albert de Mun Avenue, Paris 16th

(M ° Jena or Trocadéro)