MVRDV is honoured to have two of its recently completed projects featured in The TIME Magazine list of World’s Greatest Places 2018.
The Tianjin Binhai Library, designed by MVRDV in collaboration with local architects TUPDI, is a 33,700m2 cultural centre featuring a luminous spherical auditorium around which floor-to-ceiling bookcases cascade. The undulating bookshelf is the building’s main spatial device and is used both to frame the space and to create stairs, seating, the layered ceiling and even louvres on the façade.
Located in the heart of the South Korean capital, Seoullo 7017 Skygarden is a true plant village realised on a former inner city highway in an ever-changing urban area. The elevated garden accommodates the biggest variety of Korean plant species and transforms the former highway into a public 983-metre long park gathering 50 families of plants collecting around 228 species and sub-species of trees, shrubs and flowers displayed in 645 concrete pots. In total, the park includes 24,000 plants (trees, shrubs and flowers), many of which will grow to their final heights in the next decade. Since its opening last May, Seoullo 7017 has received more than 10 million visitors.
Read more about Time Magazine’s list of World’s Greatest Places 2018 in here.