MVRDV donates UPV model to TU Munich Architekturmuseum at Pinakothek der Moderne

MVRDV has donated the original Unterföhring Park Village  competition model ‘Interior City’ from 1999 with a value of € 20,000  to the architecture museum of TU Munich at the Pinakothek der Moderne forming part of one of the largest architectural collections in Europe. It will first be presented during the ‘Show and Tell’ exhibition opening on 13th March 2014. 

In 1999, MVRDV was selected winner of the competition for ‘Unterföhring Park Village’ (UPV), an office park of 53.000 m² for Unterföhring, a small municipality northeast of Munich. Since the 1950s, it has grown into one of the most important media centers in Germany, yet large scale office structures and company headquarters offered little in terms of public space and urban quality. MVRDV won with ‘Interior City’, a concept which grouped ten individual buildings of pure net area around five cores on a rectangular plot, interconnected by bridges and all held together by a glass cover. By separating the circulation from the net area, not only  the buildings’ efficiency is increased, but also physical and visual connections between the buildings and workers are established. 

From March 2014, the model of ‘Interior City’ will form part of the extensive collection of the architecture museum of TU Munich at Pinakothek der Moderne. It will be showcased during the forthcoming exhibition ‘Show and Tell – Architectural (hi)stories from the collection’ which investigates the process of architecture through a grand variety of items, each of which tells a story about the concept and realization of a building, be it a sketch, a model, a letter, a recording or a video. The exhibition will be open from 13th March through 15th June 2014.

The model has a value of € 20,000 and was made by Made by Mistake model makers, Delft, Netherlands.