Nathalie de Vries completes term as City Architect of Groningen


The municipality of Groningen has started the search for a new City Architect. The current City Architect, Nathalie de Vries, will be finishing her term at the end of this year. She has been juggling her role as the City Architect of Groningen with leading her own firm, MVRDV, in Rotterdam, and her position as professor at TU Delft. The increasing number of complex challenges in the municipality of Groningen requires more time than she will be able to provide in the near future. Nathalie de Vries, born near the city of Groningen, expresses her regret at having to leave this wonderful and impactful position. She takes pride in her accomplishments during her term.

Over the past three years, Nathalie de Vries has been advocating for good clientship from the side of the city. She has also been instrumental in shaping the event “Build Differently” (Bouw Anders), the vision on urbanisation called “Building Higher” (Hoger Bouwen), and has been working on a new development framework for the city centre. Under her leadership, the municipality has also installed a neighbourhood renewal architect, Endry van Velzen. Additionally, the committees for architectural aesthetics and monuments (Welstand) have been transformed into a new Committee for Spatial Quality.

The new City Architect of Groningen will be involved in various tasks, including the new spatial vision, public spaces and quality of life, urban growth, sustainability, and urbanisation of the city and its surrounding areas. They will also be responsible for enhancing the design expertise and client relationships within the municipality and its partners.