Jacob van Rijs appointed as chairman of Archiprix


MVRDV’s founding partner and architect/urban planner Jacob van Rijs has been appointed as chairman of the Archiprix. From the 1st of June 2016 he replaced Madeleine Maaskant.

‘We are very happy with Jacob van Rijs as our new chairman. His international experience and orientation will be of an extraordinary addition to the present board members. As a former participant he is able to feel and understand exactly what it is the Archiprix has to offer to young and talented designers. Because of his professional activities he also has a good view on the perspective for upcoming designers after their studies’, says Archiprix director Henk van der Veen.

Madeleine Maaskant has been chairperson since 2010, but because of her new role as director of the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture she was no longer independent, which is necessary for this position. Therefore the board had to look for a new chairman and found one in the person of Jacob van Rijs.

Henk van der Veen: ‘Archiprix is developing very strongly and together with Jacob we will work on further developments of our activities, from whereon we strive to open up the most inspiring content as possible for the graduation project to best strengthen the position of the upcoming talents within the professional practice.‘Personally I am really looking forward working together with Jacob and to create new ideas to operate even more precisely and efficiently in the near future’.

Van Rijs: ‘As a former participant I think it’s not only an honour to take on the role as chairman, but it’s also great to see that Archiprix has already been present for ‘just’ 35 years and stays because of the continuous attention and dedication towards the yearly talented and special graduation projects.

Archiprix International also plays part in the internationalization of architecture itself, it gives young architects a special network which they can benefit from during the continuation of their career.

Jacob van Rijs

Professor Jacob van Rijs Ir. FRIBA (1964) is an architect, urban planner and one of MVRDV’s three founding partners. Besides giving lectures worldwide van Rijs is also professor Entwerfen und Baukonstruktion at the Technical University of Berlin. Within the Royal Institute of Dutch Architects (BNA) he is chairman of the International Programme, creating a better support and stimulation for Dutch architects in their activities across the border worldwide. Jacob also holds a position in the Dutch Trade and Investment Board (DTIB) from where he represents architects an international trade and investment level.


Archiprix organises the Dutch Archiprix and the Archiprix International. With the presentation and assessment of the best graduation projects in the fields of architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture Archiprix introduces the most talented designers at a national and international level. Both initiatives complete and reinforce each other.

The next Archiprix International will take place in February 2017, Ahmedabad, India.