MVRDV reveals designs for Magasin 113 Gothenburg


MVRDV and co-architects BSK Arkitekter reveal its vision for Magasin 113, a former warehouse that will be transformed into a 16,500m2 mixed-use building in Gothenburg Sweden. The project, located in Gothenburg’s Frihmanen RiverCity, is one of the few remaining multi-story warehouses and will become a lively cultural development with both private and public functions.

MVRDV and BSK Arkitekter reveal their design for Magasin 113, located in Gothenburg's Frihamnen RiverCity — the largest urban development project in Scandinavia. The proposed 16,500m2 transformation and extension of the existing warehouse is located on the riverfront, will create a more inclusive and vibrant area of the city. The entire site occupies the edge of an existing public square while Magasin 113 itself located in an existing historical warehouse structure which will offer flexible offices, an art centre, pop-up spaces, a café, tourist information, shops, a restaurant and studios. Gothenburg-based advertising agency Forsman & Bodenfors and Göteborgs Konsthall have plans to establish their offices in the building.

The current brick façade and interiors of the warehouse will be restored and repaired, with the existing concrete frame will support three new levels of timber-framed floors above. These new levels will create space for additional programs and allow the experience of different atmospheres across levels from ground level upwards. “The atmosphere in the existing warehouse is really amazing, so why design something totally new? Just do it again! Therefore we chose to go for copypaste, and  ‘simply’ added a wooden copy of the warehouse on top of the existing concrete one”, says Jacob van Rijs, MVRDV co-founder.

To combine the need for insulation and the desire to maintain the existing brick facade, a transparent glass protective ‘raincoat’ will be wrapped around the existing warehouse and the new extension on top. This will add an exciting blend of a building that is ‘old’ and new, raw and smooth, and solid and transparent at the same time. A new public space will be carved out between these two levels enabling public activity from the exterior square within the building. Inside and in addition to large freight elevators, a family of different types of stairs weaves through the building to create a dynamic but visually unified public route through space. New stairs will also be placed along the main facade on the waterfront side, creating new connections between the different loading balconies and the main public plaza in front of the building.

Magasin 113’s location will become a public node through its close connections to other public spaces in the area. Combined with the nearby park and pool, it aims to attract a wide range of tenants and services, which in turn will help to create an inviting and desirable neighbourhood.

Gothenburg City Council and Älvstranden Utveckling selected MVRDV and BSK Arkitekter to develop Magasin 113, one of the first new projects for Frihamnen RiverCity.

Read more about the project here.