

Montceau-les-Mines? A former mine, closed down, abandoned. The question is: what to do with this site? By accepting that people leave, the countryside can turn back into nature or vineyards again. By giving the terrain back to nature and connecting it to other elements, Montceau can become a piece of a greater natural realm, one that aspires for a European green “core” – Montceau National Park – with the existing factory as a contemporary “ruin”. A new start?

The French countryside has a series of attractions on a European and global scale that can clearly be defended and developed. The climate and the exceptional beauty of the nature can aspire for European park statuses and leisure purposes. The wine industry remains, despite the developments in South Africa, Chile and Australia, of a considerable value.

Maybe the reduction of population pressure on the countryside helps to establish these rediscovered qualities. By accepting that people leave, the countryside can turn back into nature or vineyards again.

In an increasingly competitive world, size plays an important role. A larger countryside influences the qualities of nature by attracting more species and animals and, therefore, draws more human beings. It prevents Europe from being totally suburbanized, the possible syndrome of total mediocrity. It can stimulate diversification on the scale of France and Europe: a possible requirement for economic  stability and direction.



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