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This proposal for a private residence in Audi in the northern part of Taiwan explores how to maintain the area's natural beauty when building in it. By 'cutting' the landscape and lifting a part of it, the required program can be positioned underneath creating inhabitable mounds in the hilly terrain. While each building retains its own identity, a village environment is created and the site is seen as a collective; they form a family of found objects in the landscape.
- Location
- Taipei, Taiwan
- Status
- Design
- Year
- 2008
- Surface
- 610 m²
- Client
- Genuine Group, Taiwan
- Programmes
- Residential
- Themes
- Architecture
The landscape at the northern part of Taiwan is simply fantastic. How to keep that beauty while building houses in it?By cutting the landscape and lifting a part, the demanded program can be poisoned underneath. It creates accessible hills in the hilly terrain. The requirements for the house include an enormous number of highly differentiated rooms. By wrapping this program with a flexible green skin any composition can be created.
The rooms can be shuffled or shaken up to the desire of the clients and the site so that the ultimate composition can be made at any spot.
A village like environment comes alive that gives differentiation between the rooms, allowing for their own identity, while keeping a great collectivity. It leads to an enormous spatial richness with surprising revealing hidden spaces; this attracts people to stay longer in the house.
By shuffling the rooms around the living space they create a great collective gesture. By directing this shuffling act, they can leave space for a gigantic window with a view on the majestic surrounding. Depending on the situation different views can be created: towards the valley, towards the mountain, towards the forests. It is as if everyone one of them points at the importance of the wonderful nature of Audi.
It thus advocates one of Taiwans major attractions, aiming for more understanding and development of it. They form a family of found objects in the landscape.

- Architect
- Principal in charge
- Design team