The Why Factory Tribune

The Why Factory Tribune

The Why Factory is a newly established research institute lead by MVRDV and Delft University of Technology.  Following a fire in 2008, the institute was forced to move into the former headquarters of the University. With the space allocated for The Why Factory in a former courtyard, MVRDV designed a new facility which clearly distinguishes itself from the rest of the building in bright orange.  The intervention emphasizes the independent status of The Why Factory within TU Delft, and puts the students literally above their tutors.


  • European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture Award 2011

    2011European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture Award 2011


  • Gulden Fenix, National Transformation Award

    2011Gulden Fenix, National Transformation Award


  • Dutch Design Award

    2010Dutch Design Award


To offer an alternative to the so called Blokkenhal, or 1970s interior, of the old building, the goal of the furnishing was to be versatile and flexible. The space needed to be able to adapt to a wide variety of uses: studying, working, meeting, model building and storage, film projections, exhibitions and of course parties and events.


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