Stack Magazine

Making the Construction Industry Paris-Proof

Rückblick 2005: Barcode Haus, das erste Ökohaus von MVRDV
Decolonisation through Critical Debate... and Puffy Pancakes

Five perspectives on archives and exhibition-making

Herman Hertzberger’s Centraal Beheer building in Apeldoorn deserves a new life
Leo Stuckardt of MVRDV NEXT discusses data, AI, the Metaverse, and more

The beauty of a ruin: Expo 2000 – 20 Years Later
The value of architecture: How can we quantify the benefits of good design?
On conservation and carbon: Why we should cherish our brutalist buildings
“Nature-inclusive design goes beyond adding some greenery to the façade”: An interview with MVRDV’s Climate Team

Urban big data for everyone: a close look at the ideals of MVRDV NEXT's RoofScape app
“Solving details is a conceptual issue”: Gideon Maasland reveals the extreme technical challenges of Valley
What’s with all these sculptural designs?
History, art, and architecture: Nathalie de Vries and Joep van Lieshout discuss collaboration, creation, and customisation

Culture, collaboration, and creation: Jacob Van Rijs and Sabine Marcelis discuss production and sustainability in architecture

Architecture, light and shadow: Winy Maas and Pipolitti Rist discuss public architecture, art installations, and technology

Access to tooling: Extensions, hacks, and speculations using new experimental technologies
Learning from Marble Arch Mound: A premature opening and an execution lacking in love (our side of the story)
"Everybody deserves room to live": An interview with Nathalie de Vries
How a visit to the depot made me reconsider what I thought I knew about art
“In an existing structure you have more freedom”: Jacob van Rijs on #Reuse in architecture

Why the Netherlands should build a new province in the North Sea – and how to do it