Seoullo 7017 Skygarden

Seoullo 7017 Skygarden

Located in the heart of Seoul, a true plant village has been realised on a former inner city highway in an ever-changing urban area accommodating the biggest variety of Korean plant species and transforming it into a public 983-metre long park gathering 50 families of plants including trees, shrubs and flowers displayed in 645 tree pots, collecting around 228 species and sub-species. In total, the park will include 24,000 plants (trees, shrubs and flowers) that are newly planted many of which will grow to their final heights in the next decade.


  • Hong Kong Institute Urban Design Award

    2019Hong Kong Institute Urban Design Award

  • IDEAT Future Award 2018

    2018IDEAT Future Award 2018

    Best Urban Practice

  • ARCHMarathon


    Overall architecture award, macro category

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The linear park is arranged according to the Korean alphabet and designed as a collection of small gardens, each one with its very own composition, perfume, colour and identity. The landscape will change according to the seasons: the bright colours of leaves in autumn of the Aceraceae family (maples), the blossom of cherry trees and rhododendron in spring, the evergreen conifers trees in winter and shrubs and trees bearing fruit in summer.


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